Beaver High School

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Ranee Bradfield Smith - 12/17/2005

Class of 1954

LOS ANGELES - Ranee Bradfield Smith, 69, passed away December 17, 2005. She was born January 11, 1936 in Milford, Utah to Truman and Merle Bradfield. She graduated from Beaver High School where she met and later married her life-long sweetheart, Dee J. Smith on June 30, 1954 in the St. George Temple.

She was a loving and devoted mother and grandmother to her four children, 15 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.

She enjoyed creating a warm inviting home that was filled with love and many beautiful things that she had made herself. She did lovely handwork and was a talented seamstress and cook.

She served in many different church callings throughout her life, especially enjoying working in the primary and as the homemaking leader. She was sweet and tenderhearted, delighting in her posterity and finding good in all.

She was survived by her husband and lover, Dee J. Smith, her daughters
Christeen Kunz and Nanette Neeley and her sons, Craig and Brad Smith.
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