Ben Lomond High School

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Carl Ray Eddy - 2/25/2005

Class of 1979

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Melissa Eddy (2765 days ago)
Carl Ray Eddy is my second oldest brother. On our minds and in our hearts forever my dear brother. You have some very beautiful grand-kids and grand-nieces and nephews. We know how much you loved babies and children. There's scads of them now. I still use the nickname you called Adam when he was a baby, and think of the day you first called him "Adamski Peanut butter". I'm sure you didn't know it would stick, but Adam's Peanut butter stuck. We miss you Carl! My prayer is that the hole in Carl's heart, left by Chris' passing is fully healed, and my two oldest brothers, best friends as the were, are together again and happy.
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