Pleasant Grove High School

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Shaun Bone - 8/30/2017

Class of 1980

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Justin Bone (2605 days ago)
Shaun Carleton Bone (age 55) returned home to his Heavenly Father on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 after a 26-year battle with Multiple Sclerosis. We know he was greeted in Heaven by many loved ones, including his dad. Shaun was an amazing father, son, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend. To know Shaun is to love him. He made a lasting impression on everyone he met. His example of love, patience and enduring to the end (without a single complaint) left a lasting impression on each of us that were blessed enough to know him. His ability to look beyond the physical trials that he faced each day was remarkable. Shaun was, and is, a warrior. He has battled and won, and chose to find (and give) joy along the way. Shaun found happiness in the simple things. He loved old cars and trucks. He loved food and family, and was blessed to be surrounded by both. He loved raspberry fritters, his remote control and BYU football. Shaun graduated from Pleasant Grove High School in 1980, where he served as Seminary President. He served an LDS mission to Venezuela. He attended Brigham Young University and graduated top of his class in Mechanical Engineering. He had a brilliant mind and went on to use his skills to work on the Aerospace program with Morton Thiokol and NASA. Shaun loved being able to travel to Kennedy Space Center where he worked on the space shuttles. Shaun also served honorably in the Utah National Guard, where he earned the rank of First Lieutenant. Shaun was also a proud Eagle Scout. Shaun married Kim Colby in November of 1985. They have two sons, Colby and Austin, whom Shaun adores. Shaun loved being a father. Colby and Austin were always on his mind and he loved them dearly. He looked forward to their visits, and was so proud of the men they have become. Shaun had a special relationship with his mom, Jean Bone. She lovingly cared for him in her home for 20 years. Their love is an incredible bond that is beautiful to witness. We are grateful for the love
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